Are living trusts and estate plans the same thing in CA?

Yes! The true nomenclature is estate plan. However, since the trust is the most important part
of the estate plan many people refer to an estate plan as a living trust. The trust is only one
part of the estate plan. There are many parts to a comprehensive estate plan: trust, pour over
will, durable power of attorney for finance, durable power of attorney for health care, HIPAA
directive, schedules, and guardianship for minors. Together, these documents constitute a
complete estate plan. Although the documents are named the same no matter what law firm
you choose to go to for your plan, the protective measures differ widely. No two plans are the
same. They differ based on the levels of protection that they provide. This is the most
important part of choosing the right plan for you --- choose the plan that offers the levels of
protection that you want. The more protection your plan offers, the more money you get to
keep for your family. Yes, better plans that offer more protection cost more but they are well
worth it! Investing a few thousand dollars can protect hundreds of thousands in taxes and fees!
Here we offer asset protection land title trusts (or land trusts for short). These trusts offer a
multitude of protections and that shield assets and protect your money. For a free
consultation, please call us: 714.642.3838!